Tim Hortons Vancouver

Tim Hortons is an iconic Canadian brand of convenient fast-food restaurants that serve their famous coffee and donuts (the smaller donuts are called “Timbits”) as well as sandwiches and soups. Prices are reasonable, service is prompt, and there is a consistent level of quality across the franchise. Two downtown Vancouver locations of Tim Hortons are 947 Hornby Street, Vancouver – (604) 642-4272, and 607 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver – (604) 609-0865. Their web site www.timhortons.com has links to their other numerous locations across Canada. Below is pictured the turkey bacon club sandwich which was around $6.50 for a large. (This picture was taken at a Tim Horton’s near the Halifax airport.)

Turkey Bacon Club Sandwich at Tim Hortons

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2 Responses to “Tim Hortons Vancouver”

  1. Rick Says:

    Just had one. Yummy! I added mayo.

  2. Schpoopi Says:

    The sandwich was more than i expected. it was savoury and mouth watering. Worth the try!

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