Outside Vancouver Area - Vancouver Restaurants


Restaurant at Halifax Airport (Nova Scotia, Canada)

While visiting the Halifax Airport (web site) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, be sure to drop by the food court located in the centre of the airport, and enjoy some fast food before your flight. Pictured below is the Cajun Chicken Wrap with a side Caesar salad which was $8.48 before tax, which I purchased from the Brisket Deli. After eating, take the elevator up to the airport observation deck and sit in the comfy chairs while watching planes take-off and land through gigantic floor-to-ceiling windows. The observation deck is also a popular plane-watching destination for families with children and can be accessed even without a boarding pass.

Cajun chicken wrap

22,696 views - Posted Tuesday, August 28th, 2007


L’Auberge Acadienne Inn (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia)

L’Auberge Acadienne Inn (website, 2375 High Road, Arichat, Nova Scotia, Canada, phone 902-226-2200) is an inn/restaurant/bar located on the Isle Madame in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. Traveling to this picturesque maritime countryside is like taking a step back in time, to a land of grassy rolling hills dotted with bright flowers and quaint white cottages, overlooking an undulating coastline and sandy beaches. This close-knit community is welcoming and friendly. At the L’Auberge Acadienne Inn I enjoyed a fine meal of breaded Atlantic Haddock fish – pictured below – which was served with perfectly cooked vegetables and delicious mashed potatoes. Price for the meal was under $15.

Atlantic Haddock dinner

12,156 views - Posted Tuesday, August 28th, 2007


Penny Farthing Pub (Victoria)

The Penny Farthing Pub (web site, 2228 Oak Bay Ave, Victoria BC, phone 250-370-9008) is an olde-English style pub located in the Oak Bay area of Victoria. The word from my compatriots is that the beer and wine and other drinks at this pub are mighty fine. However I felt like indulging in some culinary fare, and went for a dish of their steamed mussels (pictured below, $12.00). They have mussels with a Strongbow cider sauce, or some with a mango curry sauce. I tried the curry ones, and boy were they delicious. I asked my fine server what locale the mussels hail’d from, and she replied that they are fresh from Quadra Island. Now that is why they are so good! They were big, juicy, and really just melted in my mouth. And that curry sauce was so tasty that I just slurped some of it up after all the mussels had gone. If you’re in Victoria be sure to stop by this venerable watering hole!

Fresh mussels

10,554 views - Posted Sunday, July 8th, 2007