Offtopic - Vancouver Restaurants


Vancouver Art Gallery (Downtown)

The Vancouver Art Gallery (web site) is located at 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, phone 604.662.4719. Be sure to check their web site for current and upcoming exhibitions. Pictured below is a night-time view of the gallery. The Gallery is a great place to visit for tourists and locals alike. By becoming a member you can enjoy unlimited admission to the gallery.

Vancouver Art Gallery downtown
Vancouver Art Gallery – Photo by Geoff Peters

13,207 views - Posted Saturday, March 15th, 2008


Tom Lee Music in Vancouver

Tom Lee Music (web site,  929 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, phone: 604-685-8471) is a great place in Vancouver to buy or rent musical instruments, sound and recording equipment or even take piano lessons or guitar lessons.

Tom Lee Music in Vancouver downtown
Tom Lee Music in Vancouver downtown

13,874 views - Posted Saturday, March 15th, 2008


Live Jazz in Vancouver

Photo of Geoff Peters (piano), Jason Cho (bass), and Evan Arntzen (saxophone) performing at Charisse Baker‘s art opening at the Autumn Brook Gallery in Vancouver on Thursday Nov. 15th 2007.

Evan Arntzen, Jason Cho, and Geoff Peters playing jazz

15,948 views - Posted Friday, November 16th, 2007