Italian - Vancouver Restaurants


Da Gino Ristorante Italia (Vancouver)

Da Gino Ristorante Italia (475 West Georgia St, phone (778) 371-7355) is a welcoming Italian restaurant across the street from the Vancouver Main Library downtown. The pristine white tablecloths, wine glasses, and suit-attired servers gave me the impression that this is a “fine dining restaurant” but looking at the prices I was pleasantly surprised. For lunch, entrees were in the $10 – 14 range, and for dinner I think they aren’t much more. I really enjoyed my clam linguini (which had another, fancier Italian name which I can’t remember). Clams were served in their shells on a bed of perfectly al-dente pasta. Yum!

Clam linguini at Da Gino Ristorane Italia

20,794 views - Posted Saturday, June 23rd, 2007