Fast Food - Vancouver Restaurants


T&T Market in Vancouver

T and T Market (web site, map, 179 Keefer Place, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, phone: 604-899-8836, Store hours: 8:30 am – 9:30 pm) is a large Chinese/Asian grocery store with several locations in the Vancouver area (view a list of all locations). The Keefer Place location is very close to the Stadium Skytrain station, GM Place Stadium, and BC Place Stadium.

The supermarket is well known for their exotic seafood and vegetable selections. Frommers writes that Tnt Market is “where strange and ungainly comestibles lurk: fire-dragon fruit, lily root, and enoki mushrooms”. But never fear, there are plenty of palatable items lurking here, which even those with Westernized tastes can enjoy.

I especially like the steamed dim-sum and buns, such as the BBQ Pork Bun (Cha Siu Bow), as well as the egg custard tarts. I also really like their Chinese BBQ Chicken which comes pre-cooked and sliced into bite sized pieces – a tray of chicken costs around $6 and makes a great takeout item to serve at home with some steamed rice and veggies.

T&T Supermarket also sells pre-prepared sushi trays such as the one pictured below (around $5.00). The sushi is tasty, and while a dedicated sushi restaurant might do better, T&T’s sushi is quite good value for the money. (The supermarket has some eat-in tables for hungry shoppers who can’t wait till getting home to start munching away.) After around 6:30pm the sushi items start being discounted by a few dollars every hour until they’re all gone.

I also tried their Vietnamese Salad Rolls served with peanut sauce (also pictured below, around $5.00) which I thought were a little bland. The Vietnamese restaurant in the food fair at Tinseltown Mall (just across the street) serves much tastier and fresher salad rolls, at about the same price.

Take out sushi tray from T&T Market in Vancouver, $5.00 (California roll, Salmon Nigiri Sushi, and Unagi sushi)

Take out sushi tray from T&T Market in Vancouver, $5.00 (California roll, Salmon Nigiri Sushi, and Unagi sushi)

Vietnamese Salad Rolls ($5.00) from Tnt Super market in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Vietnamese Salad Rolls ($5.00) from Tnt Super market in Vancouver, BC, Canada.

35,489 views - Posted Friday, October 17th, 2008


Kuroshio Sushi Express (Late night sushi on Granville) – Part 4

Kuroshio Sushi Express (map, 1011 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, phone: 604-623-3388) is my favorite place for late night sushi in downtown Vancouver. Located in the middle of the Granville Street entertainment district, this popular take-out restaurant is open late (until 3:00 AM) every day, opening from 12pm on weekdays and from 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Sushi combinations (such as those pictured below) go for around $6.00, or for a quick bite, try one of their sushi “burritos” ($2 to $3, assorted varieties) which are a sushi rollup that is not cut into pieces, making it easy to eat on the way to the next nightclub! The restaurant also caters well to vegetarians, with a great veggie sushi combo.

Late at night, Kuroshio takes on a party-like atmosphere with a good subwoofer/sound system, and a steady stream of nightclub goers passing through. It’s next door to the Megabite pizza on the corner of Granville and Nelson streets.

The restaurant also can prepare large sushi party trays for $30 (please call the restaurant a day in advance to order). I live near by, and my party guests have really enjoyed these trays. For more photos and info please view Part 3, Part 2, and Part 1.

Sushi in downtown Vancouver, open late.

Sushi in downtown Vancouver, open late.

Late night sushi in downtown Vancouver on Granville Street.

Late night sushi in downtown Vancouver on Granville Street.

12,970 views - Posted Monday, September 29th, 2008


The Noodle Box (Kitsilano)

The Noodle Box (web site, map, 1-1867 4th Avenue West, Vancouver, BC, Canada, phone: 604-734-1310) is a South East Asian noodle bar (near Burrard and 4th) that is popular with the young, hip student crowd for casual dining and drinks. The restaurant is cafeteria style in that there is no table service: you order and pay first, and then find a table yourself. When your food is ready one of the chefs will call out your name. The atmosphere is high-energy and lively, making this a great place for hanging out with friends and people watching. Prices for entrees are in the $10 to $14 range, such as the Thai Green Curry (pictured below, around $12), which I ordered with a chicken and prawns combination. Thai spices were simmered in coconut milk and lime juice, served with rice noodles, Asian greens, mushrooms, sprouts, and herbs. Yum!

The Noodle Box also has two locations in Victoria: Chinatown (626 Fisgard, Victoria, BC, Canada, phone: 250-360-1312) and downtown (818 Douglas, Victoria, BC, Canada, phone: 250-384-1314).

Thai Green Curry from the Noodle Box restaurant in Vancouver

Thai Green Curry from the Noodle Box restaurant in Vancouver

16,866 views - Posted Sunday, July 27th, 2008