Desserts - Vancouver Restaurants


Boulangerie La Parisienne (Bakery in Yaletown)

Boulangerie La Parisienne (map, visitor reviews, 1076 Mainland Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada, phone: 604-684-2499) is a French bakery located in the upscale Yaletown neighborhood of downtown Vancouver. This casual bakery/cafe serves delicious sandwiches and tempting desserts. I’ve really enjoyed tasting some of their treats such as a tart filled with glazed strawberries topped with cream.

Pictured below is a chicken sandwich served in a baguette, which was around $7.00. This place has great quality food and the prices are affordable for the neighborhood.

Chicken sandwich from Boulangerie Parisienne, a French bakery and cafe in Yaletown, downtown Vancouver.

Chicken sandwich from Boulangerie Parisienne, a French bakery and cafe in Yaletown, downtown Vancouver.

Boulangerie la Parisienne on Urbanspoon

17,704 views - Posted Friday, August 29th, 2008


Tri-ty Cafe (Richmond)

Tri-ty Cafe (map, 130 – 8100 Ackroyd Road, Richmond, BC, Canada, phone: 604-231-8997) is a Taiwanese cafe and bubble-tea house located near #3 Road and Westminster Hwy in Richmond. The restaurant has trendy, modern decor, and serves casual Taiwanese dishes as well as a selection of teas, slushies, ice cream or yogurt shakes, and lots more. I tried the Pudding Ice Cream Smoothie (pictured below, around $5) which was gigantic and the perfect sweet refreshing treat for a hot day. The ice milk that they use is like a slushie, and I was slurping on the cold pudding and ice cream so quickly that it gave me a “brain freeze”.

Cooking Nerd writes (click here for her review, with some more photos):

At most tables you get this little LCD screen that continuously flashes food porn a la Tri-ty, making you wish you had ordered that noodle dish instead of the one you did, then actually making you order more. This is a great tactic!

Large Taiwanese stylee Pudding Icecream Slushie (around $5)

(above) Large Taiwanese style Pudding Icecream Slushie (around $5)

15,176 views - Posted Wednesday, July 9th, 2008