Bubble Tea - Vancouver Restaurants
Market Square (map, 560 Johnson Street, Victoria, BC, Canada) is “one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world”, according to their website. Much like Pike Place Market in Seattle, Market Square is a place you don’t want to miss. Over 35 unique shops and restaurants surround a large courtyard that has frequent live music and events.
Below is a photo essay from my visit to Market Square today. The sushi pictured below was from Asahi Bubble Tea (#69 Market Square, phone 250-382-2305) and was delicious!
 Bill Johnson, blues guitarist, performing at Market Square in Victoria
 Popcorn Machine at Market Square in Victoria
 Popcorn Machine Detail
 Sushi from Asahi Bubble Tea and Japanese Food ($9.95)
 No smoking sign in Market Square
 Garden in Market Square courtyard
 Seagull and Market Square sign
 Musicians from the Victoria Conservatory of Music Summer Jazz Workshop Student Ensemble, getting ready to perform.
10,714 views - Posted Saturday, July 19th, 2008
Posted in Bubble Tea, Live Music, Photo Essays, Shopping, Sushi, Take Out, Tourist Attraction, Victoria | No Comments »
Tri-ty Cafe (map, 130 – 8100 Ackroyd Road, Richmond, BC, Canada, phone: 604-231-8997) is a Taiwanese cafe and bubble-tea house located near #3 Road and Westminster Hwy in Richmond. The restaurant has trendy, modern decor, and serves casual Taiwanese dishes as well as a selection of teas, slushies, ice cream or yogurt shakes, and lots more. I tried the Pudding Ice Cream Smoothie (pictured below, around $5) which was gigantic and the perfect sweet refreshing treat for a hot day. The ice milk that they use is like a slushie, and I was slurping on the cold pudding and ice cream so quickly that it gave me a “brain freeze”.
Cooking Nerd writes (click here for her review, with some more photos):
At most tables you get this little LCD screen that continuously flashes food porn a la Tri-ty, making you wish you had ordered that noodle dish instead of the one you did, then actually making you order more. This is a great tactic!

(above) Large Taiwanese style Pudding Icecream Slushie (around $5)
15,175 views - Posted Wednesday, July 9th, 2008
Posted in Asian, Authentic, Bubble Tea, Cafe, Casual, Chinese, Creative Dishes, Desserts, Favorites, Food Photos, Fun atmosphere, Hip, Lively, Modern Decor, Near Canada Line, New Restaurants, Open Late, Reasonably Priced, Restaurant, Richmond, Small Plates, Stylish, Taiwanese, Trendy | 2 Comments »